This website is offered by Kartago Capital A/S. Lindegårdsvej 41B
2920 Charlottenlund. CVR 40859586
Cookies we use:
The company sets first party cookies.
Third party cookies are also set from these providers:
• Google Analytics
• ActiveCampaign
• Facebook
• LinkedIn
The website owner is responsible under Danish law for cookies or similar technologies in connection with the use of this website.
This website uses cookies according to the above purposes.
A cookie is a small text file that is stored locally on your device or allows you to access information already stored on your device. You can read more about cookies on the Danish Business Authority's website.
There is no personal information stored in our cookies.
Examples of what cookies can be used for:
Cookies can be used to ensure a certain function, e.g. that you have logged in, placed an item in a shopping cart, make multimedia videos and social media plug-ins work, etc. (necessary and preferential cookies). They can also be used to measure the number of visitors (traffic measurement) and improve the usability of a page by analyzing how the web page is used (operation and optimization).
Cookies can also be used to tailor marketing to you to make it more relevant (marketing, targeted advertising) or to find out what kind of profile and pattern users of the website have (analysis/marketing, anonymous tracking across websites).
How long cookies are stored
Cookies can be permanent or so-called session cookies that delete themselves when you close your browser or after a certain period of time (which can vary from hours to months or even years), but are renewed with each visit.
Lifetime of cookies on this website
Some cookies on this site are permanent, meaning you have to delete them yourself if you want them removed, while some are session cookies that delete themselves when you close your browser.
Other cookies on the website are session cookies that have the following longer lifetime (unless you delete them before they expire or renew):
Cookies from Google Analytics (traffic measurement) — expire after two years at the latest.
How to avoid cookies
If you do not wish to receive cookies from the website, you can opt out of cookies in your browser. Information about this can be found at the individual browser provider. However, this may mean that you may not be able to use our site in whole or in part.
Here's how to delete cookies in the most common browsers and devices: